Green Computing with edge on-device AI

Green Computing with edge on-device AI (c) PHOENIX AI - All rights reserved.

 Green Computing with edge on-device AI

Green computing (also known as green IT or sustainable IT) is the design, manufacture, use and disposal of computers, chips, other technology components and peripherals in a way that limits the harmful impact on the environment, including reducing carbon emissions and the energy consumed by manufacturers, data centers and end-users. Green computing also encompasses choosing sustainably sourced raw materials, reducing electronic waste and promoting sustainability through the use of renewable resources.

The potential for green computing to have a positive impact on the environment is considerable. The information and communication technology (ICT) sector is responsible for between 1.8% and 3.9% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, data centers account for 3% of annual total energy consumption — an increase of 100% in the last decade.

“The energy demands and carbon output of computing and the entire ICT sector must be dramatically moderated if climate change is to be slowed in time to avoid catastrophic environmental damage,” according to a report published by the Association for Computing Machinery.

Every aspect of modern information technology — from the smallest chip to the largest data center — carries a carbon price tag, and green computing seeks to reduce that carbon price tag. Technology makers play a role in green computing, as do the corporations, organizations, governments and individuals that use technology. From massive data centers instituting policies to reduce energy consumption to individuals choosing to not use screen savers, green IT is multi-faceted and involves myriad decisions at every level.
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What companies can do?

Data storage, data centers, on-premise servers, server rooms can drastically helped by edge computing done with the help of electronic boards thus improving massively the carbon footprint, the power consumption and the bandwidth needed to achieve the same result, and even better.

Cost savings are a matter of fact while implementing a de facto GDPR-Compliant system as the system allows only outputing text data while supplying predictions on pictures (or footage).

What can you do?

Green computing isn’t only for large organizations; you can play an important part in improving sustainability in the world of IT, as well. When many individuals make the choice to use functions like hibernate or sleep mode, the impact of edge on-device AI with PHOENIX AI can be huge.

Thanks to the SM_All device, you can :

  • Benefit from a 10-15 Watts of power consumption (With Nvidia Jetson Nano) on a 1080p video stream with up to 4 detections in the same pipeline

  • No infrastructure changes needed as the board can power the existing camera (with PoE)

  • Reduce drastically the bandwidth needed (with a factor of up to 50 times) between the cameras and your VMS or cloud because of our smart alerting system (driven by AI)

  • Master perfectly the level of privacy of your pictures as you can decide whether or not you need to output pictures or video from the devices (the prediction is done on the device and the result of it can be pushed or pulled in text data to your information system).